Zdravím všechny. Je tady červenec,
kterému moc ráda říkám "měsíc festivalů". Ne, že by jindy festivaly
nebyly, ale já je každý rok navštěvuji právě v tomto měsíci a mám ho s nimi
spojený. Prvním (a zatím jediným) fesťákem, který jsem navštívila, byl
"Colours of Ostrava". Vždy jsem vám psala takový report toho, co jsem
každý den dělala a slyšela, ale tentokrát jsem se rozhodla pro změnu. Vybrala
jsem 5 kapel, které mě oslovily nejvíce, a právě o jejich koncertech vám
Hello everybody. It's July and that means that for me, the month of festivals is here. The first festival I attended was Colours of Ostrava. Last year and the year before, I wrote an article with details such as what I ate, drank and saw. Today, I decided it's going be a little bit different. I chose 5 bands that blew my mind the most and I'm going to describe you my feelings and what I liked the most about them. I really like to call them highlights of COO.
Hello everybody. It's July and that means that for me, the month of festivals is here. The first festival I attended was Colours of Ostrava. Last year and the year before, I wrote an article with details such as what I ate, drank and saw. Today, I decided it's going be a little bit different. I chose 5 bands that blew my mind the most and I'm going to describe you my feelings and what I liked the most about them. I really like to call them highlights of COO.
Původně jsme na Auroru s Terkou jít
ani nechtěly, ale nakonec (po několika smskách od lidí, kteří na ní byli a
chválili ji) jsme na ni vyrazily. Písničky se mi líbily, ale nebyla jsem z toho
původně nějak extra unešená. To, co mě ale dostalo, byla právě Aurora. Byla
neuvěřitelně milá a vlastně i roztomilá a působila velmi přátelsky. Trvalo mi
to sice nějakou tu chvíli při úpravě videa, ale jejím písničkám jsem nakonec
přišla na chuť a teď mi pořád hrají v hlavě.
Originally, we didn't want to go to Aurora's concert, but due to friends who were sending us text messages about how awesome she was, we decided to go there. Songs sounded ok, but they didn't blow my mind. Thing that I liked was in fact Aurora herself. She was incredibly kind, cute and seemed very friendly. It took a long time while editing a video, but I kind of fell in love with her music and now I can't get her songs out of my head.
Originally, we didn't want to go to Aurora's concert, but due to friends who were sending us text messages about how awesome she was, we decided to go there. Songs sounded ok, but they didn't blow my mind. Thing that I liked was in fact Aurora herself. She was incredibly kind, cute and seemed very friendly. It took a long time while editing a video, but I kind of fell in love with her music and now I can't get her songs out of my head.
Of Monsters and Men
Of Monsters and Men je kapela,
kterou jsem si zamilovala během maturitního učení a pravděpodobně mi i pomohla
přežít maturitu. Celou dobu jsem se těšila právě na jejich koncert a celé to
těšení stálo za to. Když vynechám fakt, že koncert začal zrovna písničkou,
kterou úplně v lásce nemám, bylo to naprosto úžasné. Dokonce díky tak skvělému
zážitku dokážu zapomenout i na to, že mě i Terku někdo trefil kelímkem do hlavy
(a možná na to zapomínám právě proto, že mě trefil zrovna do hlavy).
Of Monsters and Men is a band I love and their music kind of helped me survive May - month of final exams. Since May, I've been so excited to finally see them and I don't regret. They were A M A Z I N G even though they started their concert with the only song I don't like. Funny thing about their concert was that people around me actually knew only one song (Little Talks) and they were posting videos of it on instagram like they knew them forever.
Of Monsters and Men is a band I love and their music kind of helped me survive May - month of final exams. Since May, I've been so excited to finally see them and I don't regret. They were A M A Z I N G even though they started their concert with the only song I don't like. Funny thing about their concert was that people around me actually knew only one song (Little Talks) and they were posting videos of it on instagram like they knew them forever.
Ještě teď si pamatuji na hloupou
větu "Od Kodaline znám asi 3 písničky, tak nemusíme tolik spěchat."
Na koncert jsme dorazily v polovině první písničky a od té doby jsme se s
každou další přesvědčovaly o tom, že je to pravděpodobně to nejlepší za celý
festival. Celou dobu jsme tančily, zpívaly a obdivovaly zpěváka (no jo, ti
muzikanti mají nějaké kouzlo) a to i přes déšť, který trval už od dopoledne.
Ne, že bych teď potřebovala déšť na každém koncertě, ale mělo to prostě své
I remember me saying stupid things like "I know about 3 songs by Kodelaine, we don't have to be there on time." We arrived after first song and since then we were falling in love more and more, because that was an incredible show. We were dancing, singing and kind of having crush on the singer (yep, musicians) even though it was raining since noon. Not that from now on I need rain on every concert and festival, but I must admit it had magical atmosphere.
I remember me saying stupid things like "I know about 3 songs by Kodelaine, we don't have to be there on time." We arrived after first song and since then we were falling in love more and more, because that was an incredible show. We were dancing, singing and kind of having crush on the singer (yep, musicians) even though it was raining since noon. Not that from now on I need rain on every concert and festival, but I must admit it had magical atmosphere.
Kdyby mi někdo řekl, že uvidím
chlapa hrajícího na čelo v leže, asi bych mu nevěřila. Naštěstí jsem to mohla
vidět na vlastní oči a musím říct, že ještě teď tomu trochu nevěřím. Nirvana
nebo M. Jackson na čelo? Teď už vím, že i to jde a že to zní sakra dobře. A taky
už vím, že i dva muzikanti hrající na docela klasický nástroj, to můžou
neuvěřitelně rozjet.
If someone told me I will see man playing cello while lying on a floor, I would not believe him. Luckily I had a chance to really see it and I kind of still can't believe it. Nirvana or M. Jackson played on cello? Now I know it's possible and it sounds amazing! And also, now I know that two men playing on classical instrument can really make it wild.
Když se řekne Passenger, většině se
vybaví písnička Let Her Go a tím to končí. Sám Michael David
Rosenberg (=Passenger) to ví a rád o tom vtipkuje. Někoho tak milého, vtipného
a skromného jsem dlouho neviděla. Kromě chvilek vtipů, mluvil i o věcech
vážnějších, a právě tehdy z něj i z jeho písniček vyzařovalo neuvěřitelné
množství emocí. Pokud máte čas, určitě si poslechněte jeho další tvorbu, která
vás dostane stejně tak, jako Let Her Go.
If someone says Passenger, most people start singing Let Her Go, but that's actually it. Michael David Rosenberg (=Passenger) knows it and in fact, he makes jokes about it. I probably don't know anyone who is as nice, funny and modest as he is. He was really funny, but there were moments when he was serious and we could feel all emotions from songs and from him. If you have a time, definitely listen to his songs, because they are as amazing as Let Her Go is.
If someone says Passenger, most people start singing Let Her Go, but that's actually it. Michael David Rosenberg (=Passenger) knows it and in fact, he makes jokes about it. I probably don't know anyone who is as nice, funny and modest as he is. He was really funny, but there were moments when he was serious and we could feel all emotions from songs and from him. If you have a time, definitely listen to his songs, because they are as amazing as Let Her Go is.
A to je tedy vše pro
dnešní článek. Jsem ráda, že jsem se mohla zúčastnit už potřetí Colours of
Ostrava a doufám, že se tak stane i počtvrté.Vy se určitě mrkněte na video,
které jsem pro vás připravila :)
And that's it for today. I'm glad I could visit Colours of Ostrava and I hope I will have a chance to visit it next year. If you want to, you can watch my video, but there are some parts where I speak Czech.
And that's it for today. I'm glad I could visit Colours of Ostrava and I hope I will have a chance to visit it next year. If you want to, you can watch my video, but there are some parts where I speak Czech.
Moc se mi líbí, jak si článek pojala, to je vážně pecka! :) Tvé zmiňované interprety znám spíš jen z doslechu a moc je neposlouchám. Akorát se mi teď vybavila písnička od Passenger - I hate, hned jsem si ji musela pustit :D
ReplyDeleteGIVEAWAY ♥ Another Dominika
Jsem ráda, že se ti forma článku líbí :) děkuji.
DeleteI hate byla a je skvělá! :)
Veľmi pekný článok :)))
Bylo to super! Už teď se těším na další ročník! Jsi prostě ten nejlepší koncertový parťák. Vlog je moc pěkný a líbí se mi jak jsi to tentokrát pojala. :) Jen tak dál.
ReplyDeleteUž se taky moc těším :)
DeleteDěkuji moc ❤️
Líbili se nám dost stejný kapely, Aurora byla absolutně neuvěřitelná a to jak dokázala pracovat s publikem, nechápal jsem! u Passengera jsem se vlastně těšil na jednu písničku, ale nakonec mě oslovil neskutečně celej koncert a celkově dost překvapil jeho dost dobrej humor :D...za mě nej asi Villagers!
ReplyDeleteCheck my blog! :-)
Thank you for your comment :)